Leaving Home: Migrant Stories
Year 6 History Studies by Olivia Monte 20914825
When learning about migration, you will probably hear or read the following words. Below is a glossary of important terms to use throughout the unit.
Aid - Money or support given to countries in need.
Asylum - Shelter from danger.
Asylum Seeker - Someone seeking safety of refugee status in another country.
Border - The boundary of a county.
Citizen - A person who has a legal right to live in a country and be protected by its laws.
Developed countries - Countries that are wealthy and advanced.
Developing countires - Countires in the process of being industrialised.
Economy - The financial situation in a country.
Economic migrant - Someone moving to a country, intending to work there.
Emigration - When people leave a country.
Human rights -These are basic rights that we all should have. These include right to life, thre right to freedom and the right to treatment before the law.
Illegal immigrant - Someone who lives in another country illegally.
Immigrant - Someone who has moved to a country in order to live there, and who would like to stay.
Immigration - The process of people crossing borders in order to stay in a foriegn country.
Migration - The movement of people from one area or county.
Poverty - Being poor and not having access to basic needs such as education, jobs and healthcare.
Race - People who come from the same ethnic group.
Refugee - Someone who has fled their country and has been granted asylum in another country.
Smuggler - Someone who gets people across borders illegally.
Trafficking (people trafficking) -Moving people to make money.